Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Empty Nest?

Dylan's first lunch at school:

Jodee's first lunch at school:
I would've had a picture of Dustin eating lunch, but Josh protested, and told me not to embarass him!! haha--Dustin said he didn't really care, but I figured Josh had a point. Dustin is a 4th grader,now!!

Here they are before school---inside because it was POURING rain outside!
Success!! The first day of school is over--we all made it! I do have to admit, it was VERY strange to have no children with me at all today. But, Josh and I helped out at the school at lunchtime, so I still got to see them, we just didn't have to take them to run errands with us! They all LOVED school today--what a blessing! I think they all got very nice teachers, thankfully, and will really enjoy this school year. The biggest change is for Dylan--they have never had all-day kindergarten here before, and our school is one of the first to do it! He was wiped out after school today--grumpy and tired! That was to be expected! But overall, he had a really good day. Jodee had fun because 2 of her best friends are in her class this year--yay! Her teacher is a nationally certified teacher, so that's always a good sign. Dustin's teacher is young and happy to be teaching. He also has some of his really good friends in class, so we are happy for him, too!
Well, Josh and I are going to enjoy our week together--he will be starting school on the 31st, and I am going to be doing some kind of work eventually. More on that to come later!


Marilyn said...

Dylan looks so happy in the picture from lunch! I hope the house isn't too quiet for you!

jimmy, marisa, jadeyn and brynlee said...

Cute outfit Jodee!!

Anonymous said...

I have posted twice now, and they don't show up...I am not doing something right I guess...
Heather, thank you for posting so that I can be part of the day too...I love to look at the pics and read your post so that I feel like I was there too...
You guys look so cool for the first day of school and I love you all very very much...Be watching your mail for a package from mimi ...with something fun for you...I miss you all very much and look forward to seeing you very soon.
hugs and kisses....mimi

Mimi said...

OK now they show up as anonymous....this makes me wonder if they have not been showing up all this time that I have been posting .... probably not...ha...guess i am too old for this stuff...
anyway, love you all lots...