Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well, we had a nice surprise in the mail --our PASSPORTS finally came! Only a month and a half late, but at least we have them now!


DeeDee said...

That is really funny! This reminds me of a fuuny story about my sister and the issue with my niece getting hers. I wil tell ya later!

Sarah said...

Looks like you need to plan another trip!!!

The Best Family said...

that is crazy! has josh ever told you my passport story from my senior year of high school??

Christi said...

That is so weird. I applied for my passport in late June for our trip to Puerto Vallarta earlier this month. I received it 4 weeks later just two days before we left.And I had even forgot to enclose a check. I had to send them a check and still got my passport in time. I guess I was lucky. At least you didn't need it. Now you can go wherever you want to go.