Okay, when I started this blog, I never imagined I'd ever do a post on a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER!! I am SO freaked out by this--I had gone out this morning to clean out our pool that we drained last night, and crawling on the edge was a big black widow! AAAAHHH!! I was actually very calm--and as nerve-wracked as I was inside, I caught it in a clear water bottle! First of all, I didn't want it around my house, and second, I wanted to know if it truly was a black widow or not, and third, I wanted the kids and Josh to see it! I ran in and looked it up on the internet, and it is a "southern black widow" found in the south U.S., in states such as Oklahoma and Texas! I also read that a bite won't kill a human, but it will make you very sick, but the spider is not aggressive, so no real need to worry. Yeah, right!
I showed it to Dustin, who immediately wanted to take it to school with him, but I told him to ask his teacher first, and he may take it tomorrow...and he was sad that it was dying! What a sweet, nature-loving boy! I am glad that he felt that way, but I also knew I didn't want it reproducing around my house! Sorry Dustin!
The pictures didn't turn out great, but you can tell it's a big black spider! EEEWWWW!