Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Route 66 Marathon

What an eventful weekend! Josh has been training for a marathon relay with 4 other guys that he works with, and they did it! This past Sunday in Tulsa they ran the marathon relay--and one of Josh's coworkers ran the whole marathon! WOW--let me just say, that is SO not for me! I don't understand wanting to run 26.2 miles!

We got to Tulsa late Saturday night (I had to judge gymnatics all day in Yukon, so they waited for me), and the kids got to enjoy the pool and hot tub at the hotel. Then, early Sunday morning, we got up, and tried to find the race, and where we needed to be. That was interesting..they were supposed to have a shuttle to take the runners to their part of the relay, but they were missing 2 of the 5 buses, so it was going to be too long for Josh to wait...so what does he do? He jogs to his relay station! He got there in time, and in the meantime, I was waiting with our 3 kids, wondering what to do, because we wanted to see him run. So, I asked the guy in charge how to get to the 2nd relay station, and he gave me some sketchy directions, and somehow, Dustin remembered the numbers of the highways and streets, and I found it....how?? I am still not sure! But we were so happy that we found it--just in time to get a spot on the street to see Josh run by. We were SO excited! He did a great job (with a hurt knee and all!). It was really cool...we made it back to the start/finish line later in the morning to get some food and see his teammates come in and get a picture. One other funny note: the back of their shirts say "Shortcut?"...too funny!

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