Friday, November 2, 2007


We went to a very cool place called "Pops" tonight! ( It's on Route 66 here in Edmond, and it was so neat! They sell SO many different kinds of soda in really cool bottles, plus have all the normal convenience store items, and a restaurant. We went just for the sodas, but next time we'll plan on eating there--I've heard it's delicious! The big attraction is the HUGE light up coke bottle in front of the store--we had fun watching it change colors. The sodas were all good, we got a variety, Cream Soda, Orange Cream, and Blue (that, of course, was Dylan's!). While we were there, I kept reminding him to be careful because they're all glass bottles, and I felt a little overbearing, so I kind of quieted myself down, telling myself, he never drops things....and before you know it, BOOM, the loudest noise in the whole place happens right in front of me, as Dylan drops his coke! It splattered everywhere--and he immediately teared up--poor guy! I told him it was fine, and a worker came and was cleaning it up and told us it happens ALL the time, usually the workers are the ones dropping them! She even offered to go get him another one--how sweet! Josh had already done it, and then Dylan wouldn't hold it-I think he was scared. I had to hold it to his mouth for him to drink it until we got to the car! It was fun overall--and the kids enjoyed their drinks. Dustin saved all of the bottle caps and is planning on taking them to school on Monday to show them to his class! I love the simplicity of the life of a 7 year old!
Here, if you look really close you can see the 3 kids by the big coke bottle:

1 comment:

Addison said...

Hey - love how good yall are to your kiddos. That place looks cool! And love the sucker pic on the last post. Looks like they had a great time. I'm glad it's over though. But - next comes the crazy stuff - Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fun, Fun!