Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I forgot

The kids have their school book fair going on right now....but with all of the snow days, I forgot to send money. So Dustin calls me this morning asking for money, and I nicely delivered it to school....an envelope for each kid.  But..since I wasn't expecting them to buy anything today, they didn't get my "book fairs are for buying books, nothing else" speech.  So...this is what the 6 year old came home with:


Heather said...

Yes, the poster is being held up in front of Miley, in case you were concerned about the legs coming out from underneath the poster!

Kayla said...

Haha. So funny!!

Oh, and I actually worked it out where I don't plan on needing childcare while school is going. If I ever get behind and need it though, I'll definitely be asking!!

Alyssa said...

So fun! I give the same speech Heather! Great minds...great minds!

Lesley said...

ugh- i forgot to give the speech too and Canton used NINE DOLLARS on a game cheat code book! seriously?!?! ;)

Amy in Edmond said...

I could have given your speach for you if you had relayed it to me.

Heather said...

Oh, Lesley. I'm feeling your pain! Yes, Alyssa, great minds!!!
Kayla--sounds good!
Amy-I will definitely be remembering that.

The Davidsons said...

That's funny! I have to do that with Colt. Catch on the other hand got in the car on Monday and said, "Why would anybody buy something besides books at the book fair?!" Then he went on to explain that someone bought the same poster Dylan is holding!

Sarah said...

We give the same speech at our house. But I have to say Dylan looks SO happy in this picture!!! I love it!