Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Riding the rails....and the Sears Tower

Thursday, July 15th, we decided to try the train to get into Chicago.....definitely the way to go!!  Kids are free in the summer, we didn't have to worry about crazy taxi drivers, and we didn't have to pay to park!  That's my kind of travelling!  

Yes, they are LOUD!

Enjoying our ride!

My favorite part is that they have a conductor (actually wearing a 'conductor's hat') come through and punch your tickets.....just like in The Polar Express!!  I had no idea...we were totally reenacting the scene from Polar was SO much fun!  

We decided to go have a look at the Sears Tower....aka the Willis Tower, it's new name.  I don't think anyone will ever call it anything other than the Sears Tower!

Awesome pic from my personal photographer, Josh:

Yep...that's how many stairs there are to the top!  Nope...we did not walk up them!

 We did, however, ride in the elevator!  


Here are the kids standing on the glass floor out over the edge of the building:  YIKES!

Wow...they are brave!!!  Or crazy?

So much worth every penny....


kj said...

great pics! that glass floor....SCARY!

Karen said...

GREAT pictures!!! Looks like you guys had a great time!

R Joshua Fowler said...

It was SOOOO much fun, and definitely well worth every penny. It was an experience we will NEVER forget.