Sunday, March 16, 2008


Okay--first of all, anyone who has children KNOWS that they surprise you with weird/unusual things sometimes. Just having children can make your home a little strange, just look at my friend's blog (Alexander's)--who knew you'd have a spatula in the bathtub! Well, after saying all of that, my children have surprised me once again--last night as they were taking baths, Dustin came out telling us we'd better go see what Jodee did...we didn't hurry in there, it just sounded like he was trying to get her in trouble. So, eventually we got there, and she had a funny look on her face, kind of like, "please don't spank me--I was having fun". So I walked all the way into the bathroom, and look what I see on the walls surrounding the tub:

I see this white stuff sticking to the walls, and have to ask what in the world is it? It's Kleenex! How did she know that if she gets it wet and throws it with all of her might, that it will stick? I think she used 4 or 5 Kleenex, and I really think her brothers were in on it, just didn't want to admit to it. Josh and I busted out laughing--and since it was an easy clean up, and not anything gross, we let it go...I find it hard to punish my baby girl while I'm laughing at what she did!

Hope you all have a fun spring break!

1 comment:

Gena said...

Okay, that is way more kleenex than I envisioned. I think I would have laughed, too. I wonder if it would make good paper mache?