Friday, May 20, 2011

Transition night

Last Tuesday night, Orvis Risner had their 'transition night' for the lower grades, and the 1st graders had a little surprise for everyone!  I didn't know what it was going to be like, or we would have invited our family(sorry to my family!!).  We do have it on video!  

They sang 4 songs...they were adorable!  It was short and sweet....perfect for 1st graders!

He's such a little performer!


Alyssa said...

So "transitioning" to a new grade? That is a sweet idea!

Heather said...

Yep--they just started it this year. I felt a little silly, since I've been through this a few times, but we went when I found out he would be singing! It was fun...they made a little rhyming game, and got to pick out books to take home over the summer. Pretty exciting to a 6 year old!